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What make this story unique was that this was our first time and we did it on both legs of the flight. I was going to a meeting near Buffalo, NY with a female friend who was raised up prim and proper. We are both in our 30’s. A few weeks before the trip, I told her to find out what the Mile High Club was.
She finally found out 2 days before the trip and was very nervous. The first leg of the flight was from Houston to Chicago. She still had cold feet and wanted to back out. Ten minutes after they were serving drinks, I headed to the bathroom in the back and told her to follow after a minute. She was still indecisive. But when the beverage cart was arriving, she knew it was now or never and jumped out into the aisle. She went inside, sat down, and started immediately to blow me. In the meantime, I tousseled her hair and got turned on after a couple of minutes, and she got wet.

I turned her around and started pumping her from behind. After another couple of minutes, we had a “kiddus interuptus.” A little kid knocked on the door and yelled, “Hurry up!” I pounded her for another minute and decided that this would qualify for the mile high club. She left and the little kid was trying to come in. I pulled the door shut on him, freshen up and then came out. I didn’t look at the faces of the five people that were waiting in line. I did catch the face of the female flight attendant staring in shock as she realized that I just came out of the same bathroom as my friend did.
The second leg of the trip was from Chicago to Buffalo. Since this was a shorter trip, we had to plan it more efficiently. We sat in the back of the plane and told the flight attendant that we just wanted to be away from the crowd. We decided the best time was when the beverage cart passed our row. When that happened, I headed back to the lavatory. Sure enough, my friend joined me a minute later. This time we settled for a blowjob because we were still shaking from the first leg just an hour ago. C.N. Tower

Name Date Airline Flight # Time
Mr. C.N. Tower 10/11/2000 AA - Evening
Aircraft From To Location Altitude
- Houston Buffalo Lavatory 3500035000