Success Fist Bump

Name: Mr. Lars Sølhusvik

Airline: Scandinavian Airlines
Flight Number: SK812
From: London (Heathrow) To: Oslo (Gardemoen)
Time: Evening
Aircraft: 737
Location: Aisle Seat
Altitude: 1.7 Km (1.05633 Miles)
The Story: I hope i counts even though it was with my girlfriend…
My girlfriend and I have been together for about 2 months. We have sex all the time and we made a list together of places we want to do it, such as the top of Oslos biggest ski-jump (Accomplished), train (accomplished), car-wash (failed but will try again) and so on. Doing it on an airplane was also on that list..

We booked a trip to London for a weekend and both new we had to try. On our way to London we observed and set a plan for how we were going to pull this off. Our seats were by the window and in the middle of the plane. We set a plan for how we were going to on our way home. On Saturday we could check in on our flight home. I booked seats at the very back of the plane and on the aisle.

The plane was fully packed. Immediately after the flight attendants started serving food (about 1.7 Km from the ground), we went for it. I went into the lav first without locking the door. My girlfriend checked if the coast was clear and came in quickly after. It was go time. Being that the bathroom was so small, we did it doggy style. It wasn’t in and out either, we got carried away and was in there for a good 15-20 minutes. We stopped because we didn’t want to walk out with a huge cue where everyone knew what we just did. I went out first and luckily their was no-one in cue. My girlfriend cam out a minute later. It was if nothing had happened. We gave each other a fist bump and were ready for a new challenge.

P.S. We did it on the train ride home:

Name Date Airline Flight # Time
Aircraft From To Location Altitude