Name: Mr. Carl 4.12.2019

Airline: Delta
Flight Number: ???
From: Colorado To: Texas
Time: Afternoon
Aircraft: 727
Location: Lavatory
Altitude: 25000+
The Story: Pretty simple. It was on our way to padre island. It was a group of 5 of us headed there. I was casually hooking up with a girl in the group. All of the sudden, I get a text saying, “Down for a quickie in the bathroom?”. I had a really long hard thought about as for 1. I didn’t wanna get caught/arrested, and 2. I didn’t see how that would even work because there’s not much room. She goes first, without giving me much warning, so I just had to say “f**k it!”. Made my way past two very good looking attendants, and then got in there, and went to town. I think she was experienced because she knew the positions around such a small place! Came back, my buddy asked me “How was it?” As everyone else from my group gave me a quirky sight.

Name Date Airline Flight # Time
Aircraft From To Location Altitude