Wine Not?

Prefix: Mrs.

Date: 12/25/2014

Airline: Alaska

Flight: 735

Time: Evening

Aircraft: 737

Location: Lavatory

Altitude: 32000

Comments: Husband and I have been wanting to join the MHC for a while. We finally had the chance on Christmas Day.
While checking in for the flight, we had the option to upgrade to first class for pretty cheap so we took it.

We started the flight with free red wine. Lots of free red wine. The first class flight attendant was cheerful and we both felt like she knew what we were planning as she was being overly nice to us, but that could have been the wine doing the thinking.

A little over halfway through the flight, we made our move. Husband went to the back lavatory as soon as someone went in the first class one. The first class FA shot up from her seat and followed my husband very quickly to the back. I was sure we were doomed to fail since she went to the back and I figured she was waiting and watching. She was not.

Our FA made it to my husband before he entered the lavatory, and pushed by him to get to the FAs all sitting in the back. As I approached the back of the plane, I saw she was engaging all the other FAs in a very riveting story of some short, keeping their attention off of me.

I entered the lavatory. Husband and I joined the club and made it back to our seats where we enjoyed more wine.

Name Date Airline Flight # Time
Mrs? 12/25/2014 Alaska 735 Christmas
Aircraft From To Location Altitude
737 First Class 32000